10 ก.ค.
2013-07-10 19:23:34
“ConsistentbackpainorwaistPain”Massage help release pain temporary but not the cure of the real cause. This symptom might not be the same as general fatigue but it actually cost from kidney problem. Kidney problems can be in many way, like kidney failure or renal failure which will not include in the refer back pain but instead related to specifickidneyproblemsuchaspyelonephritis, renal cyst, and kidney stone disease which can be cure.
1.Pyelonephritis occurs when you do not use toilet as often as you need so infection back to kidney and causing one side of back pain
2.Renal cyst will cause back pain under bone and if cyst break then there will be blood came out with your urine.
3.Kidney stone disease if this plunge into kidney tube it will cause the pain in that area and even worst, pyelonephritis
Q & A
Q Frequent back pain is about kidney problem?
A Not exactly, back pain can be from many problem like too long seating, stress, too much weight carry or wrong exercise pose but there is also some opportunity that refer back or waist pain cost from kidney problem
Q Then which kind of back pain refer to kidney problem
A To check if this back pain related to kidney problem is by using your 2 hands pose like in the picture and ask friend to tap flank if you feel pain, can assume possibility of kidney problem
So if you do have back or waist pain for long time, please go to see kidney doctor to havedeepdiagnosebeforeitwilleffectoverall system of your body in the future